Anna Swaim
Former President, BPOA
Former Chairman, Broadmoor Recreational Area Improvement District
Past Board Members
Anna Swaim
Anna Swaim was born in Little Rock, Arkansas. She attended J.A. Fair High School, Hendrix College in Conway and UA Little Rock.
She moved to Broadmoor in 1996 and has served intermittently on the BPOA Board between 1998 and 2020; during this period she served many different roles, including that of President. Highlights of her time on the Board include: coordinating the face of the dam from the Broadmoor Shopping Center, the construction of a labyrinth spillway for the Broadmoor Lake and Dam, and developing the Emergency Action Plan for the Lake and Dam the BPOA uses today.
Anna owns her own company, Anna Swaim Communications, where she works as an association management and communications consultant. She is still very active in the community, with current or past community involvement including:
Friends of KLRE-KUAR Board
Arkansas Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts - Executive Committee
IABC/Arkansas - Past President
Volunteers in Public Schools/Little Rock School District
Destination Imagination - Appraiser
Central Little Rock Promise Neighborhood Advisory Board Member
Justice for Our Neighbors - Volunteer Coordinator
City of Little Rock Racial and Cultural Diversity Commission - Commissioner
The BPOA thanks Anna for her service to the neighborhood. Say "hello" if you see her out and about!