Broadmoor Swim Club

2025 Pool Season

Dates: May 24th to September 1st

Tuesday-Wednesday: 12:00 pm - 6:00pm
Thursday-Saturday: 12:00 pm - 7:30pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm - 6:00pm

Adult Swims: Evenings: Every other Monday 5:30-7:30 pm; Mornings: - Wednesday - Friday 10:00-11:45am). Members and their guests only.

Open Swims: Non-registered swimmers can swim Wednesdays for $4 each, from 3pm to 6pm only.

The Broadmoor Pool (also known as the Broadmoor Swim Club) offers membership to anyone within and outside of the neighborhood. Not only do our neighborhood families continue to receive a discounted rate, but we also have one of the lowest-priced rates for any neighborhood pool in Little Rock. For over fifty years , the Broadmoor Pool has been a treasured amenity for our neighborhood!

Location (inside the park): Park entrances are via sidewalks located at 2 1/2 Berkshire Dr.; 16 1/2 Berkshire Dr.; 19 1/2 Belmont Dr.; 56 1/2 Lakeshore Dr. Our parking is all street parking.

Swim Club Registration Form