Edward Swaim
Former President, BPOA
Former Chairman, Broadmoor Recreational Area Improvement District
Past Board Members
Edward Swaim
Edward Swaim was born in England, Arkansas. He attended Hendrix College and received his law degree from the University of Arkansas School of Law.
He moved to Broadmoor in 1996 and began attending BPOA meetings the same year. In 2009, while serving as President of the BPOA, he was mobilized with the U.S. Army Reserve. He recalls of this time, "the recession was in full swing so we had many challenges that year, but we worked through them."
He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Bayou Metro Water Management District, where he works to build an irrigation, drainage, and wildlife habitat project over a five-county area in East Central Arkansas.
The BPOA thanks Edward for his service to the neighborhood. Say "hello" if you see him out and about!