India Lee
At-Large, BPOA
Commissioner, Broadmoor Recreational Area Improvement District
Past Board Members
India Lee
India Lee grew up in Fayetteville, AR, graduating from Fayetteville High School and then the University of Arkansas where she majored in elementary education. She returned to the U of A after a few years of teaching and received a Master’s degree in elementary education She first started teaching in West Fork, AR, and then taught school through the DOD in the Philippines, Germany and Spain. She returned to Arkansas and settled in Little Rock and taught at Watson Elementary when it was still in the PCSSD. After five years at Watson, she started teaching at a private Christian school, The Baptist Preparatory School. She has continued teaching, though she does so now on a part-time basis.
India has lived in Broadmoor since 1979. When she first saw the Broadmoor area (and especially Barbara Circle) there was an instant love for the area. She has seen many changes over the years and would love to see renewed pride in the area, not only from the homeowners, but also the renters. Before buying the house she lives in, she rented it 20 years and cared for it as though it was her own.
India believes Broadmoor is one of the best areas in Little Rock to live. She says, "It would be great to see a renewed sense of pride and revitalization of the area for the future."
India previously served on the BPOA board. After a brief hiatus, she volunteered again and was elected to the board again in 2020. You can send her an email at welovebroadmoor@gmail.com