
Broadmoor families and their school-aged kids gathered at the playground near the pool for the Pop-Up Youth Event on June 28th.   At the event, they learned about the new “BPOA Park Sports Equipment Checkout Service.” Attendees were able to play with all sports equipment purchased thus far. This fun evening included playing disc golf, tether ball, kan kam frisbee toss, and other games.  Parents and youth also picked up litter and took turns white-washing over old graffiti on the park-facing pool-house wall. The funding for this neighborhood pilot program is a City of Little Rock Love Your Block Grant award. Each Saturday through the summer, from noon to 5pm, the park-side pool concessions window will sell grab and go snacks and drinks, AND families or their school-aged kids can check out sports equipment to play with in the park.  Come find out how to join and use the equipment this Saturday. 

After the summer pilot program, the BPOA hopes to continue the service into the fall, as they learn from the summer pilot program.